Published by

CEETTAR - Confédération Européenne
des Entrepreneurs de Travaux Agricoles,
Ruraux et Forestiers
8, Rue de Spa
BE 1000 Bruxelles
Contact: Eddy Klöcker
Tel: +32 2 238 06 40
EFFAT - European Federation
of Food, Agriculture
and Tourism Trade Unions
38, Rue fossé aux loups
BE 1000 Bruxelles
Contact: Arnd Spahn
Tel: +32 2 209 62 65

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Despite careful content control, CEETTAR and EFFAT accept no responsibility for the content of external websites, to which visitors are directed via a hyperlink. The operators of such external websites shall be solely responsible for their content.


All personal data that you send us via the contact form will be treated as strictly confidential and used only to deal with your enquiry. Any forwarding of information to third parties outside of the area of responsibility of CEETTAR and EFFAT shall be excluded. Data will not be stored permanently.


© William Fawcett, Ron Chapple Stock, Merijn van der Vliet, Ingmar Wesemann, Christina Richards, mihaicalin /, agritechnica (2)